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How to maintain, how to keep it clean

Generally, when users buy physicaldoll, they often come with a vaginal cleanser, but the user has a vaginal cleanser in thei silicone male love doll r hands, how should I wash the vagina of the physical doll? It often robot intercourse seems to be very puzzled.

In fact, you just need to put lukewarm water below 4 non inflatable love doll 0 degrees on the back of the vaginal cleaner, squeeze it s tpe full form trongly towards the vagina of the robots for adults for sale, just poke your finger, 4D You can feel the channel. Pinz doll vagina is fully reproduced one-on-one with real humans, so users can reach out and gently rub their fingers and clean the vagi xxx robot nal art in this way 3-4 times. Even if you do not use the doll, do regular maintenance of the doll, and preferably once a month to rub powder throughout the body of the using a sex doll love doll We would like you to understand that the doll can last longer and will be convenient for later use.

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